September 27, 2010

Old Friends

Gwen and I hopped on the bike and met up with some old friends the other night. We hit Gators in Kent, had some drinks, and watched the UFC ( it's sort of like the movie "Fight Club" except nobody in it is as sexy as Brad Pitt, not gay). It was a fun night of old stories, new smiles, and lots of laughs. But I don't want to grind you with boring fluff and tell you it was all Unicorns and Rainbows. Let's get to the highlights:

1. I don't know this guy, but I like him-- he wears nice shirts. Apparently, our wives shop at Ross. I love meeting new people and this dude was nice enough to let Gwen take our picture. She's hard to say "No" to. But even I'm thinking the same thing;
"Sit down, jackasses, I'm trying to watch the fight."

2. I know hot chicks when I see 'em, so I took their picture. Nothing funny to comment here, just pretty girls having fun. Oh, I do want to comment on Gwen's black eye; It's not what you might think, I didn't punch her. I was raining down some short elbows while imposing my will on her during our Family Cage Fight Night. You don't have a cage in your house? She got hers touches in though... Notice how puffy my face and stomach are-- I like to call it swelling.

3. That's Mike and his sister Selena in the middle, the bookends are me and Selena's husband Evo (sorry, I don't know how to spell his name, but that's my guess by the way it sounded). That dude lurking from the back row is Andy McCulloch-- he does that a lot.

4. Andy and Gwen. She's a hugger. And he likes to be hugged.

5. Here's a happy Jeff, and a bewildered Mike. This is sort of how I remember them growing up.

One of my favorite parts of that night was talking about the old days. But this is what I meant by it not being all Unicorns and Rainbows: It would appear that I might have been a bad influence in our childhood. Based on how the stories are told and what happened, it would seem that our bad experiences mostly involved me saying or doing something to lead us down the wrong path. So for all those times we nearly got killed or potentially killed others, and otherwise made choices that made things a little difficult for us; you're welcome. Because if we hadn't done those things, hurt those sheep, stole that car, punctured a lung or two, then those conversations we had on Saturday would have been short and you'd be boring people.
Gwen and I had the best time, miss you guys, and hope to do it again.

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